With an upcoming tournament, it's time to ready the Dread Mob. First up are these lovely Forgeworld Grot tanks. These were salt weathered like the Stompa and Kill Krusha and then with layers of paint and a few extra colors they're almost there. A few weathering powders and the kommanda painted and this unit will be ready to go. Not bad for a nights work.
The club I'm a apart of, Dorkamorka held a 20 man tournament yesterday, in conjunction with a Painting Competition, called the "Golden Squig". 18 of the 20 tournament entrants also entered the painting competition, so we had a great turn out for both.
Teaser image of some of the action below, and I'll be adding images from the tourney and painting comp over the next few days.
I started playing Warhammer 40K around 1997, dabbling in Fantasy, Gorkamorka, Mordhiem, but my true passion is 40K and as such, has brought me to collect the models I started playing with. So, you'll see a lot of 2nd edition (and older) on here.