Finished my friends demon army, which will be showing up here soon.
But for now, here is a mixed bag of projects that have shown up recently.
First, Rogue Trader Marines, these are the 1st 4 I have finished, with a ton more to come.
Next up, a dreadnought I started a few years ago as a command dread for a dread mob. He has a KFF built into his body, but I will be using in the FW Dread mob list.
And to go along with him, 3 killa kans, built with grotzookas from Irondog. Sweet little weapons and they fit very nicely with the old style kans.
And to lead the 2 mobs of spanna boys, 2 new meks, one with a KMB and the other with a burna. Both have heads pulled from the stompa sprues.
The mek with the KMB has a big shoota boy backpack, with a custom banner pole with the old gorkamorka buggy banner top.
And the Mek with Burna.
I also picked a Kill Blasta, and while I wait for a few parts to show up and worked on the kommanda and gave him feet, so I can use him in the tank, or out. Feet are from an AoBR nob and one the the regular plastic nobs.
And to top it all off, a Meka Dread. I built and painted a Mega Dread a while back, so when FW released this guy, I knew I needed to get one. Its an awesome kit, so much detail all over, and it goes together quite nicely.
And to end this with a very random thing, an Eldar Scout Walker. I saw one of these pop up on dakka, and new I needed to find out how to make one. I found out that Citadel Journal #8 contained the instructions and rules (for 2nd edition) for them. So after a few days of searching the internet I found a copy of it and when it arrived I set about making it. And it's pretty awesome.
More stuff coming soon, I promise.
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