I got the lot of these monopose dwarfs new in box years ago and with the changes to the Generals Handbook, taking a brick of 40 dwarfs is almost feasible, so I painted these up as a batch... that's right, a batch of 39...
I painted these up in the same fashion as my earlier dwarfs, so basecoat, wash, done. I added a little more highlights than previously, and used a brush on wash instead of the Army Painter dip.
The advent of 8th edition made it clear that foot troops without a ride is not a great idea. So, what better than to equip a pack of loony-bin murderers with an APC!
So hefty conversion work went into this, with the front plate from a Hellcannon being grafted into the front of the rhino.
The giant Khorne icon on the front is from the Bloodletter standard, which also gave up its skulls for the back. Berzerker icons grace the side doors.
I started playing Warhammer 40K around 1997, dabbling in Fantasy, Gorkamorka, Mordhiem, but my true passion is 40K and as such, has brought me to collect the models I started playing with. So, you'll see a lot of 2nd edition (and older) on here.