I backed the kickstarter way-back-when and receive 3 themes for a total of two 4x6 foot tables. The tiles themselves are great, the clip together really nicely and are a joy to paint.
And dice don't even bounce all over the place on them...
I pulled some from each and got to work painting them up.
I based them with a flat dark brown spray, then drybrushed them with Calthan brown (custom mixed gallon), a medium brown and lighter brown and then an ivory (hooray craft paint).
I painted all the details and got the scrap piles nice and rusty, before everything got a nice ivory drybrush to make it look all dusty to blend it into the terrain.
before flock, I painted on a solid coat of an acrylic varnish followed by Army Painter matte sealer. Indestructible. I had a tile fall on other tiles from 3 feet up and there wasn't even a hint of damage. So these should withstand years of gaming without need for touchups.
After that, I added 5 layer of fine turf flock and 2 more on top of that of a coarser flock.
I started playing Warhammer 40K around 1997, dabbling in Fantasy, Gorkamorka, Mordhiem, but my true passion is 40K and as such, has brought me to collect the models I started playing with. So, you'll see a lot of 2nd edition (and older) on here.